Coordinating educational research and building a bridge between the University of Luxembourg (UL) and the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (MENJE) in Luxembourg for all researchers coming from research institutions in Luxembourg or abroad

The Bridgebuilder is
a joint venture between SCRIPT (Service de Coordination de la Recherche et de l’Innovation pédagogiques et technologiques) /MENJE and LUCET (Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing) / UL to coordinate exchange concerning educational research for all researchers coming from research institutions in Luxembourg or abroad.
A common structure that supports researchers in the process of their research application.
The Bridgebuilder aims at
centralizing, regulating and facilitating applications for data collection and data matching within the public educational system in Luxembourg from the research community to MENJE.
Collecting information about research projects and building a searchable online repository on educational research.
Who is concerned by the Bridgebuilder process?
The use of the Bridgebuilder application form for research purposes and its procedure is mandatory for any researcher based in Luxembourg or abroad who:
Requests data collection in schools or other educational contexts in Luxembourg for research purposes (physical or online access).
Requests data matching with the Luxembourg School Monitoring Program „Épreuves Standardisées“.

What is the mission of the Bridgebuilder?
In the short term, the mission of Bridgebuilder is to centralize, regulate and facilitate data collection and research support requests from the research community in Luxembourg to the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. Later on, requests from the public education system to the University of Luxembourg will be managed. In the long term, the project will also collect information about research projects and build a searchable online repository on educational research carried out within the Bridgebuilder framework.
Added value of the Bridgebuilder
- Streamlining of research related interactions between research and educational needs (through procedures and forms)
- Accelerated digital and standardized treatment of applications for data collection and data matching, only one entry point of applications in the MENJE
- Support of Bridgebuilder teams (provision of services like counselling and letter templates)
- Facilitation: support by respective Bridgebuilder teams for applications (templates, information, contacts,), support and service for researchers during their application procedure
- Monitoring: better knowledge of research currently going on
- Encourage synergy and collaboration in research between researchers and educational practitioners
- Enhanced visibility of educational research (searchable online repository)
- More visibility for educational research: searchable online repository, presentations of research projects or results to the Ministry (on request)
For more information on the BRIDGEbuilder project, feel free to contact the Bridge-Builder teams
Our Address
Researchers and students affiliated with the University of Luxembourg
Researchers and students affiliated with another university or research institute